Moth Damaged Rugs

Moth Damaged Rugs


An old English butler, when asked the best way to protect woollens against moths, replied, “regular fussing in the wardrobe.” Our advice is similar: regular carpet sweeping is your best insurance against moth damage. Moths seldom are attracted to an oriental carpet which is clean and in use. It is important to include in your carpet sweeping agenda periodic cleaning underneath or behind furniture, since moths prefer low light and undisturbed areas. Carpets hung on the wall should definitely be taken down and shaken or vacuumed at least three times per year. Commercial moth-proofing formulas are not recommended. Read more of the Rug cleaning experts guide to protecting you from Moth Damaged Rugs.

The use of cedar chips or a cedar-lined trunk or closet is effective for short-term storage. Carpets that will be stored for a period of months should be professionally packed to prohibit moth and mildew damage.

Storing Of A Rug:

  1. Professionally hand wash rug before storing.  Moths are less attracted to clean rugs .
  2. DO NOT wrap in PLASTIC.  Wrapping a rug in plastic may create moisture condensation, which can cause mildew.  Instead, roll the rug tube-style.  In some cases, it is acceptable to vertically fold the rug, then wrap in Tyvek paper, which is moisture-resistant, acid-free and archival. If the rug is well-wrapped, we rarely see moth damage.
  3. Use plenty of tape on the roll to make sure all seams are covered.  One can put mothballs in a cloth, similar to a sachet, and put them in the areas where moths may enter:  at the ends of the roll and along the center of the rug if it is folded.
  4. The major problem comes from moisture.  Try to elevate the rug from the floor rather than storing it on a concrete slab floor.  Do not store in the attic because temperatures can be too high.  Look for a stable temperature environment.
  5. We do not recommend pesticide sprays because they are toxic and acidic and can be harmful to rugs.  If you have a moth-concentrated environment, there are some sprays that can be used.
  6. Guarding against rats and mice is hard because they can eat through the paper.  The best advice it to store the rug in a clean environment. To ensure effectiveness, mothballs should be changed every 6 months as their strength dissipates over time.


For Further Information

Please visit our Rug Cleaning Experts website for advise on rug cleaning and the cost of clean rugs 

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